I am a girl who LOVES to read! Lucky for me, I'm a fast reader and can devour a book in hours. This blog is to help me keep track of the books I've read, with comments on the noteworthy. Maybe you'll find a book worth reading.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Help

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Set in Jackson, Mississippi at the eve of the civil rights movement.  It follows to story of several African American domestic workers and their white female employers.  One of the characters, Skeeter, goes through a change in her views as she interviews the African American women and discovers that we all have the same dreams and values.  Her white friends aren't so ready for change and she is ostracized from her social circle.

This book takes place during a turbulent time in American history.  Although it clearly shows the injustice suffered by the blacks, it also has an upbeat message.

The author writes that she had a very close relationship with a black maid in her home when she was growing up and this book is her attempt to explore how life must have been for her.

Girl in Translation

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok

This fiction book chronicles a Chinese immigrant's growing up as she works in a sweat shop in Brooklyn while making outstanding grades at school.  It's an amazing read because it's easy to forget that things like this still happen in our country.

The author immigrated from Hong Kong when she was 5 and worked along side her family in a clothing factory.  She ended up attending a private high school and Harvard due to her good grades.  I'm sure the novel is based on things she really experienced.